Workshop on Development of Innovative Learning Media for polytechnic lecturers MoH Malang

Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang improve the quality of learning by holding a workshop Innovative Learning Media Development. Innovative instructional media developed in an attempt Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang in providing services to students. Students as recipients of services must obtain what should be obtained in the lecture bench so that the lecture material easy to understand, interesting and not boring, so conveyed Director Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang in the opening workshop.

The event was in cooperation with the Faculty of Education Graduate Program, State University of Malang. Keynote Speaker Role for Learning Media materials and increase the quality of Learning: Prof. Dr. Nyoman S. Degeng, Concept Media Learning: Prof. Dr. Punadji S, Med and Technical Development Learning Media: Henry P, SKom, MPd. Workshop held for 3 days starting on 26 to January 28, 2011 at Hotel Orchid Stone. Number of participants consisted of 41 lecturers from the Department of Nursing, 17 people, majoring Midwifery Nutrition Programs 16 people and 8 people.
The workshop began giving in-class materials, field visits to the laboratory production of the State University of Malang and ending with the preparation of planning and story boards. Results of participant evaluations, workshop Development of Innovative Learning Media is very useful in the learning process as stated by one member of the Department of Nursing Atty Yudi Ernawati, SKP, M.Pd. "Workshop on Development of instructional media is very useful, particularly in facilitating students' learning, so it is expected that active learning, creative and fun it can be applied and with the medium of learning will make students self-learning paradigm is comply berorientas on student learning (Student Oriented Learning), "(jokowi / PR Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang).(n)