Lawang, (4/11) State Health Politechnic of Malang (campus II of Lawang) held A day of Mental Health Education in celeberating the annual event of World Health's Day 2017. This event was held in cooperation with Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang, Mental Health Hopsital.  “Depression: Let's Talk!” came as the theme of the gathering.

The talk on mental health topic background the fact of increasing number of depression sufferer worldwide where in 2014, 98,7 million sufferers recorded. WHO states 300 million people affected or experinceed the depression. In the Southeast Asian region alone, the reported depresssion prevalence rate is around 4% but the real number is believed to exceed reported one.

Depression is mental health disorder experience some of the following signs and symtomps i.e persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood and loss of interest in any activities once enjoyed and hopeless, unfortunatley, sometimes the sufferers may be unaware of fact they had affected this mental illness. Moreover, they have to face negative stigma labeled by their surroundings, and to make worse they did self-stigma which can make the treatment of the disorder difficult. Besides, the treatment and therapy are quite expensive causing the sufferer away from receiving well-treatment. Since it can affect the quality of life of the sufferer, the problem getting worse.

Therefore, the purpose of the event is to serve the health promotive and preventive action for the youth through knowledge of the field and the important of talk. Sixty students, grouped in several stations each served by host to promote interactive part of the event. At the end of the event the host explain the result of the discussion to audience.


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