Basic and Advanced Ethical Training On Research Involving Human and Animal


Malang (5/3), Ethics Committee of Malang State Health Polytechnic (Polkesma) organized Basic and Advanced Ethical Traning on Research Involving Human and Animal as Researh Subject. Director of Polkesma, Budi Susatia, S.Kp, M.Kes. opened the event which was held in Ballroom Semeru Hotel Aria Gajayana Malang and joined by fifty-five participants from health polytechnics, college,  health isntitution, and hospital. This four-days program started on May 3rd-6th 2017 was intended to make the same perception on research ethics and increasing ethics knowledge as well. These included principles in arranging informed consent on research, process in research proposal review , and case study from the aspect of Clinical-Test Ethic.

The source speakers of the traning was Dr. Triono Sundoro, Ph. D (head of KEPPKN), Prof. drh. Dondin Suyuthi, Ph. D (KEPPKN IPB) , Dr. Hendy Hendarto, dr. Sp.OG (member of KEPPKN RS), Dr. Soetomo, Prof. Dr. Istiadjid, dr. Sp. OG (members of KEPPKN). Head of Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University.


