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Malang State Health Polytechnic (Polkesma) held socialization of People’s Healthy Lifestyle Movement (Germas) at Sawo Village Hall, Campurdarat District of Tulungagung (14/7). Germas is a community service program run by Polkesma and in cooperation with the local government and district health office.

The event was attended by number of officials in the local government. Among them, the Regents of Tulungagung, Mr. Syahri Mulyo represented by Head of Tulungagung Health Office Dr. Moh. Mastur, member of Tulungagung parliament, Campurdarat district’s chief, Sawo Village’s head, and the people of Sawo village. The people enthusiastically followed the socialization of Germas. The event was opened with Reog performance presented by the PKK (Family welfare movement) of Sawo Village.

Chairman of Polkesma Community Services, Mr. Jupriyono said, the purpose of socialization is to accelerate and realize the synergy of healthy living efforts to increase productivity. In addition to socialization, there are several other activities e.g. the creation of gymnastics, proclaiming the movement of healthy living, free health services such as blood pressure test, blood sugar test, nutrition consultation and so forth.

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Support GERMAS: member of Tulungagung parliament Mr. Imam Khoirudin officially led ribbon cutting ceremony. (Whendy/ Radar Tulungagung)

Director of Polkesma, Mr. Budi Susatia hope that the socialization of Germas will increase people awareness. To achieve health status is not done solely by treatment, but by prevention. Thus the cost of living can be cheaper. "For example, avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages," he explained.

Head of Tulungagung Health Office, Dr. Moh. Mastur stated that to build health there is a healthy paradigm. The healthy paradigm achieved if people are able to maintain health, while the sick can get good health care. "Keep health, consume vegetables and fruits, and our living environment must be clean. This are all needs community cooperation," he explained. (Wen / and)