Nutrition Science Student - BPOM on Food Security Program

On Tuesday-wednesay, first week in September, ninety-five students of nutrition department (Polkesma) gathered and received course-lecturer by Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), held in Hotel Aria Malang.

The debriefing is intended to understand the problems may arise in village, particulary faced by Small and Medium Enterprise (UKMK). Moreover, this program will served as community service in the form of health promotion in villages accross East Java Province. Here, Polkesma become one of the tenth of State Health Institution, honor to do cooperation with BPOM to realize the Desa Pangan Aman (Food Security Program).

Beside, to realize the food security program for society, the debriefing also intended to support the goverment program, led by Mr President, Joko Widodo in developing the nation start from upstream to downstream.

That’s why,  the students are expected to succed the goverment mission, because they have skill and competence in food security practices.

pengembangan bpom gizi