Halaman Arsip

The answer lay the question what is meant by case studies will range from simple answers to complicated answer. On a campus of X the author tr...
Students Polktekkes (Polytechnic of Malang) in the activities required to develop EI graduated. Questions arise regarding the terms Scientific Writi...
Meaning of online learning, online education, distance education, distance learning, technology-based training, web-based training, and computer-bas...
Benefit of Massage  Massage can help to cure many kinds of  physical problems. Many health problem can be handled with correct massag...
An influence sufferer closes his/her nose with hands when sneezing, then hold a handle in bus, when  you hold that handle influenza bacte...
ow to avoid and handle hypertension To avoid hypertension for those who still have normal blood pressure of to handle high blood pressure for those wh...
ips to Prevent Heart Disease To prevent coronary heart disease, you can do these steps: Eating HabitAvoid high fat food or high cholesterol food. ...
ips to prevent acne : 1.     Don’t forget to clean your face. One of the causes for acne formation is dirt and bacteria in o...
he benefits of tea Some of the benefits of tea are as antioxidant, cell repairer, smoothing our skin, for body slimming, preventing cancer, prevent...
ooth cavity is not caused by worm, like what our ancestors thought in the past. This theory persisted until 1700s, until Willoughby Miller, an America...